Well as Steve (President of PEA Builders) often tells people, it was an accident.
30 years ago this fall, Steve completed his first deck project. What led up to that was a series of incidentals that now seem like a very direct path to where we are today as a company.
In the spring of 1989, Steve took a ski trip to Colorado. Back home, his mother was caring for his pet lop-eared bunny named Mandy. A few too many veggies later, however, and Mom knew Mandy needed a vet’s attention. This led to Steve’s introduction to a certain local veterinarian who, it just so happens, was considering adding a deck to his home. Being a young architecture student, Steve was asked to design the deck (of course, he accepted the paying gig).
Design completed, the vet wondered if Steve knew anyone who could build it. Steve thought, “Well, I have a few buddies from landscape work who said they could swing a hammer.” Contract written, tools purchased, but now what? Steve, being the son of a banker, had never even used a saw. That didn’t stop him, though… turns out, he took to it like a fish to water. Steve began the project late summer 30 years ago, and by fall realized he may have discovered a hidden talent.
Proud of what was accomplished, he took a few pictures of the deck and his trusted canine helper Buckeye, then posted the pictures in an ad for deck building. After receiving a handful of calls the following spring, Steve quickly set up his first business. Deck Design & Construction Inc. was born.
“So, thank you to that veterinarian for opening the eyes of a young architecture student and lighting the match that has ignited and developed into this amazing sustainable building company we call PEA Builders. Oh, and to my Mom, who for many years took credit for helping me start my business :)” – Steve Homa